Rat & Mice Management
Understanding Commensal Rodents: Commensal rodents, including the Bandicoot (Bandicota bengalensis), Roof rat (Rattus), and House mouse (Mus musculus), exhibit various behavior patterns. Apart from causing economic damage, they pose a significant threat to human health by transmitting diseases such as pelage, Rat bite fever, food poisoning, Hantavirus, and leptospirosis.
Economic and Structural Damage: Rats and mice, through their burrowing and gnawing activities, cause extensive damage to doors, floors, ceilings, and walls. Their gnawing extends to utility pipes and electrical wiring, leading to potential hazards such as explosions, indoor flooding, fires, equipment malfunctions, and power shortages. In high-tech environments, rodents can disrupt complex computer systems, resulting in substantial financial losses.